Sunday, May 29, 2011

Child Support Bail Bonds in Phoenix

When a person gets arrested on a warrant and incarcerated in the Maricopa County Jail for unpaid child support, the bond is set as Cash-Only.  In other words, the only way one can post this bond is by posting it in cash.  Most bail bond companies do not post cash bonds and those few companies that do post them will not post a child support bond.  Child support bonds are known as purge bonds.  Purge bonds, once posted, are forfeited to pay for the fine or obligation of the Defendant, in other words, you will not get your money back.  Bail bond companies rely on their bonds being returned after the Defendant goes to his/her court hearings in order to stay solvent.

Child support bonds can be successfully paid for with credit cards through our bail bond company.  Your card will be charged for the full bond amount and any of the fees associated with posting your bond.  The cost of posting your bond will be a 10% premium fee and a 3% merchant account fee for using your card.  We will post the cash bond immediately upon running the credit card.  Using a credit card allows the Defendant to be released right away.  Credit cards can be paid off by making monthly installments to your credit card company. 

If the Defendant is currently working, supporting a family, or has important obligations to meet, the child support obligation should be paid as quickly as possible.  The Arizona Courts take a hard stance against delinquent child support and will leave Defendants in jail for months.  Child support obligations will not be paid off by serving time in jail, therefore, you will still owe the same amount of money as you did before you went to jail.  Jobs are typically lost through extended stays behind bars, vehicles may be repossessed and homes lost when a Defendant cannot make installment payments because he/she is in jail.  The sooner one pays the obligation, the sooner one can get back to his/her life.

From time to time some companies selling Arizona Bail Bonds can arrange short term financing of the child support obligation without you needing to pay the full bond amount.  The options will typically be very short pay-offs 1-2 months, lots of collateral for security and high premium fees.  All of this can be worth it if you have obligations to meet.  The big lesson here is do whatever you can to pay your child support obligation while on the outside, because once put in jail you will be relying on the speed and resources of others to get you out.

Call Maricopa County Bail Bonds: (602) 258-4488

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Securing Bail Bonds in Phoenix

Securing a Phoenix Bail Bond can be a daunting task.  Where do you start to look?  How do you choose a good bondsman?  How much can you expect to pay?  First off, don't panic!  The person in jail is not going to perish and whether you post the bond within the next 5 minutes or in two hours from now will not make much difference as to when they will be released.  Start your search and learning process by performing an Internet search.  Read about the bail bond process and FAQs that some of the bail bond companies provide on their websites.  Get a general idea of what you are about to do.  When you feel like you have a general idea of what a bond is all about, call one of the companies listed on the Internet.  Pay attention to not only price, but ask about any other additional charges you will be expected to pay.  Unscrupulous companies will give a base price of their services to bait you in and make you believe their price is lower than their competition; once you are in their office they start adding on costs.  Run from this trap.  There are a dozen other companies out there ready to help you, don't settle for high pressure tactics.

Ultimately, hire a personable bondsman, someone you can relate with or one that has a knack of explaining things to your satisfaction.  Lastly, you are paying for a service, expect a bondsman to treat you like a valued customer.  You deserve some respect.

Call Phoenix Bail Bonds: (602) 267-9057

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Welcome to Phoenix Bail Bonds

Welcome to our Blogger site where we will explore the intricaces of Phoenix Bail Bonds.  Our desire is create a resource of Frequently Asked Questions and general information concerning bail bonds.  We plan to offer a Forum to allow our readers to ask questions and provide timely input into problems encountered with posting bonds, dealing with the Courts and Maricopa County Jail.  We don’t want to be a complaint wall, but rather a place you can come for help and constructive advice.